13/08/2022 5

It’s shocking just how many 1s rating just like the 8s towards Enneagram evaluating

Greatest 8s: Joseph Stalin, Henry Kissinger, Mick Jagger, Queen Henry VIII, Muhammad Ali, ous 8w7s: Pablo Picasso, Rosie O’Donnell, Lyndon Johnson Popular 8w9s: Sean Connery, Carl Sagan, Bruce Lee, Franklin Roosevelt

That is understandable: one another 8s and you may 1s keeps enough key rage, and you will each other usually understand the world from inside the black colored-and-white terms. One another could possibly get lay laws and regulations for other people to follow. Although not, 1s feel responsible when they crack their particular guidelines, because the 8’s become much less bound by limitations, even their. 8s are a lot less likely to produce shame than 1s, plus planning to delegate commitments, in the place of 1s who tend to feel weighed down which have responsibility.

These books pioneered the concept there exists of numerous degrees of psychological fitness contained in this each type, and this each type is unhealthy (swept up within this your sort of) or match (liberated out-of your sort of)

Motivators (3s) and you can 8s try both aggressive, and you will both force others discover get something done. But 3s goals is oriented up to strengthening the self-confident self-visualize, if you’re 8s prefer to become recognized, although it indicates getting disliked if not disliked.

8s which have 9 wings is a fascinating subtype. The new 9 side more softens the new attributes of one’s 8, making the 8w9 harder to understand and see than simply good absolute 8. Don Riso cards that the 8w9 have a tendency to keeps its fuel “inside set-aside”. 8w9s usually are underestimated, because they can look like lightweight-mannered 9s 1 day, in order to release the aggressive 8 top another.

9s sound patient people who find themselves good listeners, inmate free and single dating UK flexible and accommodating so you’re able to other people. 9s enjoys a weird capacity to “match the move” of its landscaping, and you will a desire to be related to the surroundings. That it feature is actually its most significant stamina and weakness; at best, 9s are accepting and you can supporting off someone else because they really is actually, but at worst 9s disregard whom it are, passively agreeing with folks and you may scared to assert their own desires. 9s studying the fresh new Enneagram usually takes extended to find out their form of while they pick much more with individuals than simply with her true selves.

The new passivity off average 9s causes it to be difficult for them to say their demands or build conclusion. 9s have a really difficult time and work out incredibly dull choices, particularly capturing individuals, because they as well as understand the almost every other person’s predicament, and you will hate to force confrontations. Mediocre 9s get disturb themselves of difficult issues with comforting however, trivial tasks (age.g. web-surfing, aimless chatter). 9s with a keen 8 wing are less likely to want to get this problem as the 8 wing provides a crave doing his thing and difficulty, when you are 9s that have a-1 side will be creatures out-of routine, by 1’s obsessive qualities. Inertia is a long-term disease to have 9s, who usually see it tough to get going with the anything. The existing Aesop’s fable regarding the sluggish-and-constant tortoise exactly who beats quicker bunny aptly makes reference to the work patterns off fit 9s.

Popular 9s: Statement Clinton (provides each other wings) Famous 9w1s: Carl Jung, Nelson Mandela, Warren Harding, Padraig harrington, Prince Charles, Scottie Pippen, Kevin Nealon, Bob Costas, cultural spirits off Old Asia. Greatest 9w8s: Walter Cronkite, Ronald Reagan, Albert Einstein, Dwight Eisenhower, The new Dalai Lama, social mood from Ancient Asia.

Riso, Wear Richard and you will Russ Hudson, The latest Expertise of Enneagram, (Bantam) 1999. Brand new, better, publication out of this set of experts.

But not, it inertia can also work to the advantage, because once become 9s tends to make sluggish-but-regular advances, to get truth be told persistent within pursuits

Riso, Wear Richard, Personality Models, (Houghton Mifflin) 1987. Riso, Wear Richard and Russ Hudson, Identity Types (revised), Houghton Mifflin, 1996. Well written and obtainable, with intricate meanings of one’s models.


It’s shocking just how many 1s rating just like the 8s towards Enneagram evaluating

It’s shocking just how many 1s rating just like the 8s towards Enneagram evaluating Greatest…
  • 13/08/2022
  • 5